Arriving to the building and Departmental Induction

Please choose from the tabs below:

  • All visitors who require access to departmental facilities will be asked to contact the Departmental Supervisor and complete a Visitor Registration Form. They will need to confirm that they have the appropriate visa or right to visit the department.
  • All other visitors, need to contact their host to follow the next steps: parking, on arrival, and safety.

If the visitor requires a visa or is a visa national, a check will be made of their visa and a copy of their passport and visa (if applicable) kept. This needs to be confirmed before or on the day of arrival of the visitor in the Department. The department is required to record this information to comply with UK Visa and Immigration regulations. Failure to comply can result in individual fines. 

Read more about Categories of Biochemistry visitors and Types of Biochemistry external visitors.



Parking in the science area is restricted. The Department only has a limited number of spaces available for allocation. Visitors are advised to have a space booked in advance of their visit and this should be arranged with the person who they are visiting. To do that, please contact reception:, 01865 613200.




Please report to the Main Reception. The reception will contact you with your host.





You must always be accompanied by your host in the department. We place a very high value on Health & Safety and we will ensure that this visit is a safe one. 


 Visitors who are using our facilities must go through two Health and Safety Inductions:

 one with Departmental Safety Office where you discuss your individual projects and risks (BEFORE you start in the lab, please arrange this appointment directly with the Office),

 and another 'General' safety induction if you are staying longer than a week (please contact the Safety Office regarding dates).



If you are working in the Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Building but are not employed by the Department of Biochemistry, please contact the Reception Team for Induction and SharePoint access.



New to the Department? The online induction for new staff members will help you settle into your new role and find out more about what goes on in the Department.

If you are a visitor or a student, you might find some interesting facts there as well.


Start the Biochemistry induction by clicking on the icon: