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Here are the steps to installing "Eman2" on your Mac

Contact julian.jordan@bioch.ox.ac.uk for more details

1  Install the XCode comand-line tools and XQuartz

If you haven’t already installed XCode, run this from the terminal by copying & pasting:
xcode-select --install
If you haven't already done so, you will need to install XQuartz. Download and install XQuartz from: https://www.xquartz.org

2  Download the Installer Script

Download the following script:


3  Run the Script

Assuming you have downloaded the script to /Users/[yourusername]/Downloads, open up /Applications/Utilities/Terminal and type in:

bash /Users/[yourusername]/Downloads/eman2.21.MacOS.sh

Answering “yes” to the various questions or pressing [Return] to go with the default settings.

4  Start a Project

Make a directory to work from, and using the terminal, "cd" to that directory.

Now type: e2projectmanager.py and after a short wait your program should launch.

5  Note for macOS "El Capitan" and above...

The install script defaults to putting a folder "eman2" into your home directory, and then attempts to add this to your terminal PATH variable so that typing "e2projectmanager.py" from any directory should in theory launch the software.

This has been seen to fail on macOS "El Capitan" and above. In previous macOS versions, a command along the lines of "export PATH=~/eman2:$PATH" permanently updated your PATH variable, but on macOS "El Capitan" and above this export command appears to be lost once you quit the terminal.

The accepted way to permanently add another directory to your teminal PATH variable in newer macOS versions is as follows:

Edit /etc/paths e.g. by typing

pico /etc/paths

Edit the content of /etc/paths (a simple listing of directories) to include your desired directory, e.g. for eman2 to work properly it should look like this:


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