Micron Imaging Facility

Micron Imaging Facility

In Micron we offer a full suite of facilities and services to enable biological researchers to access the latest microscope technologies. The facility team provide training and support on a wide range of microscopes ranging from super-resolution to cryo-correlative microscopy. We are happy to advise users on what system is most appropriate for their experiment and to offer help with sample preparation and experimental design. Micron also provides access to the latest image analysis, data storage and visualisation methods including super-resolution quality control, de-noising and machine learning-based image analysis. The facility in Biochemistry is partnered with many imaging facilities in other departments across Oxford through the Oxford Bioimaging Network, so users have access to the full range of the microscopes that biologists need, from wide-field deconvolution, confocal, light-sheet and 4Pi to 3DSIM, STED, dSTORM, TIRF, FCS and CLEM. 


For more information, please visit https://micronoxford.com or contact us on micron@bioch.ox.ac.uk 


Deirdre Kavanagh

In May 2021, Deirdre joined the Department of Biochemistry as facility manager for Micron. Deirdre is an interdisciplinary scientist with special interest in super-resolution microscopy, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and light-sheet technologies. She completed a PhD in Engineering and Physical Sciences and as post-doctoral researcher she applied advanced super-resolution microscopy to understand the protein interactions, organisation and dynamics underlying cell communication. She is proactively involved in the organisation and development of microscopy workshops, training courses and public engagement. She serves on several microscopy committees including the Royal Microscopical Society Light Microscopy Committee.

ORCHID ID: 0000-0003-1531-6617

email: deirdre.kavanagh@bioch.ox.ac.uk 


Niloufer Irani

A passionate cell biologist, Niloufer’s background in plant biology adds an additional layer of expertise to the Micron family. She actively uses fluorescence microscopy techniques to understand endomembrane trafficking.  Educated in India and the US with Post-Doctoral research experience in India, Belgium and the UK makes Niloufer an experienced team player, ever curious about the experimental systems that users work with. Eager to help users, learn new techniques and use out of the box solutions to biological questions, she is happy to train users and answer questions.

Orchid ID: 0000-0003-3252-449

email: niloufer.irani@bioch.ox.ac.uk


Prof Lothar Schermelleh

Micron Director